
Notification Form

Your company registration status can be checked on my page after
If you have forgotten your login account, please use the
Contact form.

Member ID

*Company Name (ENG)

Company Name (JP)

*Full Name


*Change Items

Change of Representative

Former Representative

*Former Representative(EN)

Former Representative(JP)

New Representative

*New Representative(EN)

New Representative(JP)

Please indicate if the new representative is Japanese.

*Position (EN)

Position (JP)


*Official Date of Change

Name change of company

New Company Name (EN)

New Company Name (JP)

*Official Date of Change

Change the email address from mailing list

Request for delete email from mailing list

Request for register email to mailing list

Change the email address from mailing list

Request for register email to mailing list

Change of address, phone-number, fax number


New Office Tel

ex:(02)5555555, (038)5555555

New Office Fax

New Office Address


New Factory Tel

ex:(02)5555555, (038)5555555

New Factory Fax

New Factory Address

*Official Date of Change

Other change Divisions, Homepage, Business outline, Employee number, etc.



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