
Forgot Password

Those who have registered their e-mail address with 满堂红心水论坛.

Please enter your e-mail address and press the "Submit" button. We will send the link for changing your password.

  • Send Email

  • Change Password

  • Completely change Password

For a Security standpoint, 满堂红心水论坛 couldn’t tell or confirm each company password.
We also can’t give password by phone or email. Please kindly put your email in the box above to proceed.

If you have other companies that will be our members but have registered same email, you will get a reset email of all companies that will send separately.
Please kindly check the company name before reissuing.

For those who don’t have email address registered with 满堂红心水论坛

  • Email Address Registration

  • Change Password

  • Completely change Password

If you would like to register, please apply for additional e-mail addresses at Notification Form Page.
When you go in to at Notification Form Page,
please select “ 4. I want to change my web login password, so I want to register my email address”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q After reissued password, can I share my password within my company?


Yes, only one password will be assigned to each company. Please share new password within your company after reissued.

Q I forget my password, How do I reissue it?


Please enter your email address on the reset password page. If your email address is already registered in 满堂红心水论坛 database, you will receive an email with the URL for resetting your password.

Q I already entered my email address on the password reset page but I haven’t received a recovery email, why?


Please note that if your email address isn’t registered in the 满堂红心水论坛 database, you will not receive it.

Q I would like to know my current password, how could I find?


If you have forgotten your password, please reissue a new password from the password reset page. Note : If you would like to check your current password in My page after logging in , it won’t show.

Q Can I contact to 满堂红心水论坛 to get my password by phone or email?


For security reasons, we do not keep passwords for each company. If you forget your password, please go to the password reset page to reissue.

Q I didn’t get password from predecessor, how should I proceed?


To reissue a password, your email address must already be registered in the 满堂红心水论坛 database. If you would like to register your email address, please let us know by filling in the Notification Form page . After completing the registration, please reissue your password from the password reset page.